5 Reasons To Smile
Getting ready
for Halloween!
1: Trick Or Treating
Who doesn’t like dressing up, wandering the streets with friends and getting candy? Seeing kids eyes light up when those special words, “trick or treat!” is a special and fun moment. Not only is the night filled with precious memories, but the shared-experience of it all brings us closer together. How could you not help but smile?
Cooking up
some BIG smiles 🙂
2: Thanksgiving
We live in a land that is not only filled with opportunity, but is also free. Like you, we love Thanksgiving. It’s a time to spend with family, friends and even strangers, giving thanks for the many blessings we have in our lives.
And when it comes to smiles, this is like the smile-olympics. You have food, football, friends, doorbuster sales and family all rolled up into one memorable day. You can bet there will be stories, fun and laughter…not to mention lots of prime Insta-ready moments. But, out of all the activities you will be doing, smiling will be part of all of it.
3: Christmas
Immediately following Thanksgiving, we will jump right into the Christmas season. This is absolutely one of our favorite times of the year. With all the lights, trees, music and parties, we will all be spending time smiling and enjoying the spirit of the season.\\
Smiles and Christmas go together like Santa Claus and presents. You’ll be meeting with old friends, buying presents, traveling and snapping a few selfies along the way. It’s truly a season that lights our hearts (not to mention our homes). But, most of all, the Christmas season reminds us of the most important things that make life rich and beautiful. THAT puts a smile on all our faces.
4: New Years
Before we know it, 2017 will be coming to an end. Like a “last hurrah” the entire world will join together to celebrate a new year and a new beginning. For many of us, we’ll be spending that night celebrating, making resolutions and reflecting on all that has come to pass in 2017.
Along with the fireworks, pictures and embraces, your smile will be on display for the world to see. And how couldn’t you? Sure, soon everyone will be back to work and the Christmas trees will be taken down. But, for that moment, you and those closest to you will be enjoying one another’s company and looking forward to the new opportunity of a new year. Smiles all around!
5: Napping
The holiday season will come and go. And, after going to parties, putting on parties, traveling and celebrating, all we want to do is take a good long nap. Just thinking about curling up under a heavy blanket on a snowy day puts a big smile on all our faces.
Dr. Timothy Perez
Life is filled with beautiful moments that deserve a smile. For us in the dental profession, we want to make sure your smile is the best it can be. So, when you meet that friend, tell that story and post that photo, you’ll be showing everyone just how special those moments are.
We are accepting new patients and would love to make your smile the best it can be. Call today to schedule your next appointment. Ask about our teeth-whitening products and services that will make your smile shine.
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© 2023 Thoroughgood Dental
1609 Pleasure House Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1609 Pleasure House Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
© 2023 Thoroughgood Dental